
3 flapper girls you must know

3 flapper girls you must know

In the 1920s flappers girls broke the image of what a traditional woman should be. They cut their hair short, wore make-up and are what many considered the "modern" woman, breaking away from victorian womanhood.  Flapper girls Josephine Baker, Clara Bow and Louise Brooks are maybe the most most famous three from the era but what made them stood out and stand the test of time?

3 flapper girls you must know

3 flapper girls you must know

In the 1920s flappers girls broke the image of what a traditional woman should be. They cut their hair short, wore make-up and are what many considered the "modern" woman, breaking away from victorian womanhood.  Flapper girls Josephine Baker, Clara Bow and Louise Brooks are maybe the most most famous three from the era but what made them stood out and stand the test of time?

Flappers & Feminism

Flappers & Feminism

The early decades of the 20th century were a battleground for women,  in terms of political and legal reform. But women were also testing out another arena of emancipation: their bodies. As fashions grew simpler and skirts rose higher, reaching knee-length by the late 1920s, women found new physical freedom.

Read extracts from Judith Mackrell’s article on our blog. Original article can be found here

How dance helped women’s liberation

How dance helped women’s liberation

The early decades of the 20th century were a battleground for women,  in terms of political and legal reform. But women were also testing out another arena of emancipation: their bodies. As fashions grew simpler and skirts rose higher, reaching knee-length by the late 1920s, women found new physical freedom.

Read extracts from Judith Mackrell’s article on our blog. Original article can be found here

3 flapper girls you must know

3 flapper girls you must know

In the 1920s flappers girls broke the image of what a traditional woman should be. They cut their hair short, wore make-up and are what many considered the "modern" woman, breaking away from victorian womanhood.  Flapper girls Josephine Baker, Clara Bow and Louise Brooks are maybe the most most famous three from the era but what made them stood out and stand the test of time?