Charleston Flashmob

There was plenty of swivel among the streets of Brighton last Christmas as 80 dancers appeared among a crowd of shoppers to perform the surprise routine outside the Theatre Royal on Thursday 11 December.

I Charleston Brighton and Exercise Move Dance worked together on this unique project to engage as many people in the local community with dance and to offer anyone the chance to be involved with the fun Charleston Flashmob.

The project was not only about promoting dance and fitness in East Sussex but it also raised money for the money for the charity Winston’s Wish.  I Charleston Brighton taught two large community workshops in Brighton and Hove to over 50 people, at Rox School of Dance and Marina Studios, in which all the profits were donated to the charity for bereaved children.

I Charleston Brighton also taught a 6 week course and run three free workshops to university and college students, with the help of Exercise Move Dance, to involve as many  young people as possible.

There were over 80 people who took partranging in age and the team was that the flashmob inspired people to continue dancing and even taking part in their next Charleston course.


Spring Showreel