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Learn Happy Feet: Charleston Move of the Week

Happy Feet is a quirky move, in which the feet seem to be moving as if by magic. This is definitely a ‘practice at home’ move and it may take a while to get the knack. 

Happy Feet is a quirky move, in which the feet seem to be moving as if by magic. This is definitely a ‘practice at home’ move and it may take a while to get the knack. 

Start with the feet in parallel and by practice rolling your weight between the heel and the ball of the foot, then try this in opposition.

Now bring the heels together and turn the toes out, as if your impersonating Mary Poppins. You can begin with what we call 'Happy Foot' so just rotate the toes of one foot out and then repeat on the other side.

Now try it by alternating between the ball and heel of the foot. There is nothing natural about this movement but, just like when you learn to play something like Bach on the piano, you have to piece it together slowly and eventually it will start to flow.

Happy Feet is a fabulous move and it feels so nice once you've mastered it. Once you do it will be one of you go to moves when your free styling - mainly because it's not as exhausting as many other moves.

Good luck and let us know how you got on - if you do master it please send us your videos!