MyCharleston Flash Mobs

They say dance is a gift, so I took that saying literally by creating a surprise dance flash mob for my sister’s 50th birthday party. Set to Queens’ Don’t Stop Me Now. I had a bit of a laugh choreographing interpretive dance moves which literally acted out the lyrics.

My big sister Siobhan has a huge group of friends who I got to know when we did the Friday night dance parties (truly a Lockdown silver lining) They are all fantastic dancers and were totally up for getting together on Zoom to learn the routine.

 When the big day dawned the heavens opened, it rained so heavily they had to build drains into the marquee to stop it leaking! The rain didn’t stop and having run around all day, I really felt for my sister and her husband Scott.

Guests arrived, drinks were poured and just as Siobhan announced the buffet food was ready we jumped up and danced our little socks off. The look on Siobhan and Scott’s face was a picture, they both visibly relaxed and party went into full flow. The best part for me was that the dance floor never emptied from that point on!

I love surprising friends with a dance flash mob, I did my first one to Fame at a friend’s 40th 10 years ago. I recently got a request from someone who said they no longer wanted to buy ‘things’ for people and so we are organising a dance party for her and her friends. I thought it was such a lovely idea and let’s face it dance is a great gift.

If you would like to a dance experience with MyCharleston then get in touch at or for more details about what else we offer visit Hire Us

By Fiona Ring